他们的创作冲动,起源于他们的梦想和梦想的陆续破灭。正如他们在创作自述中所说:“早在十几年前的学生时代初到北京考察时,就曾经被皇城的辉煌博大气势,和颐和园、圆明园、国子监以及老城区的四合院建筑所震撼。当时曾数天浸淫在老城区的大小街道上,常常流连忘返不能自拔,但当时就一直有一种怪怪的感觉,因为在我们印象里那些所谓大大小小带‘门’的地名其实实物已经消失,而那一条条老的街道早已被淹没在现代化繁华大街上了。皇城的威仪和古城的辉煌其实是蜷缩在这个不伦不类、不土不洋的‘现代’都市里。十几年前,当我怀揣梦想来京学习生活再次目睹老四合院的拆迁,看着一条条胡同消失,看着皇城遗址和一个个残垣断壁,彷徨、失落、无助、无奈,一种撕裂心头的悲怆感和责无旁贷的责任感促使自己拿起手中的刻刀。”1999年,钞氏兄弟便在这种动机的支持下,开始了老门楼、老物件系列作品的创作。家庭是社会的最小单元,机关部门是社会的中小单元,国家民族是社会的大单元。每个单元,不管大小,都是独立的个体,每个个体都是封闭的。这个封闭的单元,都有一个切断或开通与外界交流的门户。不同的地区,不同的民族,不同的身份,不同的行业,不同的时代,对门有不同的理解,所造之门、所用之门也不尽相同。另外,门的功能不同,所处的方位不同,所使用的材料不同,所使用的建筑形式不同,也会使门出现不同的表现特征。故,门是一种文化的结果和现象,是人们自我封闭、隔离或相互隔离的手段,也是自我安慰、自我保护的武器。门第、门阀、门户,成为了区别的指代。对于中国而言,北京城的正阳门瓮城是中华民族六百多年来江山易帜、民族兴衰的最好见证。钞氏兄弟采用了近乎诙谐而又有些荒诞的手法,摄取了几个重大历史事件的镜头 ,组合了这个复杂的画面。这种构图方式,像中国传统绘画章法的透视散点,又像当代电影艺术的镜头组合与切换。城门洞里,即将开进北平的解放军与正要出巡的大清朝皇帝撞了个正着,把皇帝堵在了瓮城里,有“瓮中捉鳖”之效。欢迎子弟兵进城的人群、旅游观光的人群、造反的红卫兵、刀马人物组成的奥运五环、外国的传教士、巡城的清兵、车祸现场、闲逛的市民,不同的场景营造了一个亦真亦幻的艺术世界。从文化的角度来说,几乎每次重大的社会变革都会给历史遗产带来厄运。正阳门的瓮城和东西闸门拆除于中华民国建立后的1915年。永定门瓮城,于1950年被拆除。1957年,永定门城楼、箭楼被拆除。1959年,天安门广场的中华门被拆除。北上门、地安门也几乎同时被拆除。1965年7月1日,北京开始修建地铁。1969年10月1日,中国第一条地铁通车。因此,而拆除崇文门、宣武门、阜成门、西直门、安定门、东直门、朝阳门等内城城门,并填盖了护城河。上世纪90年代以后,大规模的旧城区改造工程使原本残存不多的老四合院迅速锐减,到如今被做为一个文化符号被有限保留。这种巨大的社会变革,刺痛了钞氏兄弟,在完成《大事记》的同时,他们陆续创作了一系列呈现覆巢状态的作品,表现了在社会动荡之下,古老文明的无奈与无助,被摧枯拉朽般地被摧毁的惨痛。如《红色时代》、《墟》、《北方民居》、《老城门》等。他们用泥板成型的传统技法,结合现代工艺,在陶土中加入了化妆土、色剂、化工原料,甚至还有食盐、草木灰等原料,很好地表现了城门楼、门楼的质感和历史沧桑感,凝结了过去的历史片刻,试图挽留住那些已经或即将消失的记忆,引起了人们对传统遗产的关注。
陈培一 ,雕塑杂志社副主编
Saving the Memories
——Reminiscence Story of Chao ziwei and Chao ziyi
Chen PeiYi
Reminiscence is the inherent feeling of human being. Ban Gu, who lived in the Han Dynasty, said, “Remember past times or old acquaintances with kindly thoughts” in his work Ode To Xidu. Such reminiscence derived from the past frame of mind. For example, the marvel of the full memory of historical development, the change of times that caused the difficulties in life, the change of circumstances, improper time, unrecognized talents, impression of divine beauty in life memories, or the love affection. There are many manifestation modes of reminiscence, inscribing a poem, writing words and articles, drawing, however, the brothers, Chao ziwei and Chao ziyi describe the retrospect of history by means of kneading clay.
Born in Nanyang, Henan province, Chao ziwei and Chao ziyi are twin brothers, whose ancestors are farmers with the occupation of firing coarse slurry vat. “Even they didn’t know how to plowing or weaving when they were young, they learned to plant melon under tree shade”, which forged a different sense with mud. When they grow up, they studied in Nanyang Institute of Technology, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, from where they learned the sculpture method and design idea of modern Ceramics.
The creative urge comes from their dreams and destroys of dreams in succession. Just as they said in their creation description, “In the early ten years ago, they were shocked by the gorgeous and spacious Imperial City when they came to investigate in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace, Yuan-Ming Yuan Imperial Garden, the Imperial College as well as Beijing quadrangle in old city. They lingered on these days that were spent on the streets in old cities and found it impossible to stop recollecting, there was a strange sense that these material objects named with the word “Gate” had disappeared, however, the old streets had been submerged under the modern flourishing ones”. The impressive, dignified Imperial City and brilliant ancient city were crouched in the nondescript, non-indigenous and non-modern city.
Ten years ago, when we found that the bystreet disappeared one by one, when we looked at the archaeological site of Imperial City and the old ruins, it only left us hesitation, lose, helplessness and hopelessness, and there was a heart wrenching of sadness and indispensable responsibility, which urged them to take up the carving knife. In 1999, the CHAO BROTHERS began the creation of serial works for old gate tower, old objects based on such support of motivation.
Family is the smallest unit of society, institution department is small unit, and nation state is big unit. Each unit is an independent individual no matter it is big or small, each individual is closed, and the closed unit has a gate which may cut or open the communication of the outside world. People who live in different areas, different nations, different identities, different industries, and different times have different understanding of the “gate”, and the gate they made or used are also different. Moreover, the difference of gate’s function, direction, material, architecture reflect gate’s different performance characteristic. Therefore, gate is the result and appearance of culture, it is the method of self-containment, separation or mutual isolation, and it is the weapon of self-comfort as well as self-protection. Ancestry, family power and gate turn into the substitution.
As to China, the Urn City of Zhengyang Gate is the best witness of the changing nature and vicissitude nation over the past 600 years. The CHAO BROTHERS adopted the humoristic and fantastic method, and intussuscepted some scenes of significant historical events, which combined the complicated image. Such composition way looked like the scattered perspective of Chinese traditional painting composition, combination as well as switch of modern film art scene.
The marching liberation army to Beiping ran across with the emperor of the Qing Dynasty who was about to patrol and was subsequently plugged up at the city gate, which seems “Shadow Valleys”. The crowd who were welcoming our own army, the tourists, the rebellious Red Guards, the Olympic Rings combined with armed horseback figures, foreign missionaries, the patrolling Qing soldiers, the scene of the car crash, shopping citizens, all of which built a real and imaginary art world.
On the culture side, nearly every significant social transformation brought bad luck to the historical heritage. The Urn City of Zhengyang Gate and the East-West Gate were pulled down on 1915 after the establishment of Republic of China. The Urn City of Yongding Gate was pulled down in 1950. The Yongding Gate Tower and the Embrasure Watchtower were pulled down in 1957. The Zhonghua Gate of Tiananmen Square was pulled down in 1959. At the same time, the Beishang Gate and the Dian Gate were pulled down. Beijing began to build subway from July 1, 1965, and the first subway began to open to traffic on October 1, 1969. Accordingly, the Chongwen Gate, the Xuanwu Gate, the Fucheng Gate, the Xizhi Gate, the Anding Gate, the Dongzhi Gate, the Chaoyang Gate as well as some other gates located in inner city were pulled down, and the moat was filled in.
After the 1990s, the extensive modification works were carried out in the old town, which caused the sharp cutoff of few extant old quadrangles that were kept restrictedly as a culture symbol. Such significant social transformation hurt the CHAO BROTHERS, and they successively created a series works of suffering condition and simultaneously finished Memorabilia, which represented the hopelessness and helplessness of old civilization, the pain of destroy liked crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. For example, Red Times, Ruins, Northern Residences, Old Gate, etc.
They added vitreous slip, toner, chemical raw material, even salt and wood-ash to the clay by using the traditional mud shaping method with the combination of modern arts, which commendably represented texture and historical sadness of the city gate tower as well as gate tower that coagulated the past historical moments, they tried to detain the disappeared memories or the memories that will disappear, which draws much attention to the traditional heritage.
The CHAO BROTHERS were born in the middle of the 10-year Cultural Revolution, under the red sea and enjoy the red sunshine, and they grew up coupled with red songs. Therefore, the East Is Red became their most profound memory. In the times of People's Commune, “How much the plantation products depend on how gutsy you are”. “Dong Fang Hong” tractor was the major productivity of agricultural mechanized farming, and it was the particular marking of that times and the major transportation, which carried people’s hope and dream. “Dong Fang Hong” tractor was the large machine tool designed by ourselves, which indicated the termination of Chinese traditional agricultural production model and started a new chapter.
Meanwhile, the Red flag car, Jiefang truck, Maozedong steam engine were raised. The CHAO BROTHERS called them “Red Machine”, which were the outcomes of that battle era and symbol of social productive force.
Nowadays, the once glorious “Red Machine” has been cooled down by the termination of that era. Some of them are kept in the museum, and some are kept in mind, however, most of them are thrown away, just like being banished to the cold palace and turn into piles of scrap iron.
If the CHAO BROTHERS’ series works of “Old Gate Tower” were their results of impulsion, the series of “Red Machine” were the fruit of their rational thought. They unscrambled the nation’s destiny and realized the ethos of that time, they experienced the youth and romantic, they tasted the pathos and grandness, and they sighed with the ignorance and confusion.
They “recopied” these Red Machines by their own hands, which descried these resplendence, racks and ruins, in which way to awaken people thinking about the passed and disappeared memory. As an old saying goes, “A fall into the pit a gain in your wit.” Respect the history, respect the foretime doesn’t mean conservatism or falling behind, and it means the better reminder for not repeating past mistakes, one should learn predecessor's lesson but not let it happen again or take a heavy toll which has been paid already by them.
When we face these “Red Classic” of the CHAO BROTHERS, in spite of their delicate skills and well-knit writing, we can feel the shock, the corrosion and mottle, the snub, cheerlessness and decline.
The CHAO BROTHERS who lived in Beijing not only discovered that one should focus on the current social problem and reflect some issues like environmental protection, traffic disaster, the people's livelihood as well as security through their works, but also can't bear to part the rural life in Nanyang, they created some “Old Objects” which described the old familiar life and buddies with sincere feeling, such as the series of Boss Car, Windlass, Old Luggage, Old Boat, Old Hearth, Old Objects, Army Cap, Army Satchel, Liberate Shoes, Tea Urn, etc. These works were filled with flavor of rural life and nostalgia, which fully expanded the expression space of modern art and enriched creation theme as well as a new aesthetic value.
Actually, the modern art referred to upsetting tradition, parsing of tradition, recreating tradition and the abundant use of various new documents as well as new technology, which made it bright, fresh, beautiful and colorful. However, the CHAO BROTHERS were not affected by the modern art waves and tides, they added heavy, pained and pride nostalgia by using return to innocence in a realistic way according to the standard of renovating historical relics, which formed a particular art language and character, they created their own art style with strict adherence and distinctiveness.
As for the CHAO BROTHERS, “Memory Carries Idea” was the art pursuit over the years, they prettified brilliant coat unintentionally, they would like to be a devotional martyr, silently, in which way they express annotation of their own works through the simplest, earnest, sincerest words.
2010 BeiJing
Chen Peiyi Sculpture magazine deputy editor