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发表于 2010-10-21 12:46:33 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Swedish  Fashion – Exploring a New Identity
瑞典对外交流委员会(Swedish Institute)推出瑞典时尚巡回展

“瑞典时尚——探索·时尚·新身份”是一个展示瑞典新生代时尚设计师作品的展览。当人们惯于把瑞典和时装零售连锁巨头H&M、时装品牌J. Lindeberg以及牛仔品牌Acne联系在一起的时候,本次个展览反映的却是出现在瑞典的一种时尚新态度。
为展示瑞典新生代时尚设计师作品,本展览由瑞典对外交流委员会(Swedish Institute)推出。同时,瑞典王储维多利亚公主殿下更将出席开幕剪彩活动。




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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-21 12:47:39 | 只看该作者
瑞典时尚展——探索·时尚·新身份Swedish Fashion – Exploring a New Identity
瑞典对外交流委员会(Swedish Institute)推出瑞典时尚巡回展
        “瑞典时尚展——探索·时尚·新身份”是一个展示瑞典新生代时尚设计师作品的展览。当人们惯于把瑞典和时装零售连锁巨头H&M、时装品牌J. Lindeberg以及牛仔品牌Acne联系在一起的时候,本次个展览反映的却是出现在瑞典的一种时尚新态度。
策展人:玛利亚 ?本萨德(时尚评论家,瑞典贝克曼设计学院客座讲师)
艺术总监:斯黛法尼亚 ?马尔姆斯丹(平面设计师, 艺术总监)
展览设计:欧拉 ?安德送(建筑师)
A touring exhibition produced by the Swedish Institute
Dates: October 12, 2010 to November 7, 2010
Venue: White Box Art Museum, 798 Art District, Beijing
Swedish Fashion – Exploring a New Identity is an exhibition showing the work of a new generation of fashion designers from Sweden. It reflects a new attitude to fashion in a country to date mainly associated with strong chains such as H&M, brand names such as J. Lindeberg and denim labels such as Acne.
This generation, which debuted around the start of the new millennium, is characterised by a more individualistic and artistic approach to fashion. The exhibition has been shaped around the fashion designers’ individual concepts, rather than a shared identity. Apart from the way they view fashion, the only factor that the fashion designers in Swedish Fashion – Exploring a New Identity have in common is a link to the Swedish fashion scene, either in a purely geographical sense – i.e. they are based in Sweden – or because they have their roots there. Their actual design is not limited by national boundaries; these fashion designers see themselves from an international perspective, rather than a local one.
The exhibition presents the new Swedish fashion scene in the form of products (actual garments on mannequins) and context (photographs, films and texts). The exhibition also includes a publication that provides a more in-depth view of the contemporary Swedish fashion scene, based on a number of distinct themes. As the exhibition’s title suggests, it’s about a developing scene, and topical discourses will be set against fashion’s historical development in Sweden, both theoretically and professionally. Great emphasis is placed on the interaction between context and garment, both communicatively and scenographically; it works narratively – as a well-informed and inside account of the new Swedish fashion scene – and as an experience, making a strong and uniquely individual visual impression.
Curator: Maria Ben Saad, fashion writer and senior lecturer
at Beckmans College of Design
Art director: Stefania Malmsten, graphic designer and art director
Exhibition design: Ola Andersson, architect
Film: Göran Olsson, documentary filmmaker

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-21 12:47:59 | 只看该作者
§  艺术家/出场 –Virpi Pahkinen, Andreas Unge 和金星舞蹈团(舞蹈团的服装由Martin Bergström、Diana Orving、Göran Sundberg、Nakkna和Sandra Backlund等瑞典时装设计师设计)
§  演出时间 – 2010年10月11日下午6时
§  演出地点 – 仁俱乐部,酒仙桥路4号大山子艺术区,电话:59 78 91 72
§  免费入场
§  简介:
“瑞典时尚——探索?时尚?新身份”时尚展览将于10月12日至11月7日在白盒子艺术馆举行。该展览将向观众展现来自瑞典的新一波时装设计师,开幕当日,来自上海的著名编舞金星还将通过其精心创作的一台演出,把生命与活力赋予本次展览中几位设计师所设计的服装。时尚秀将展现由设计师Diana Orving、Sandra Backlund、Martin Bergström、Göran Sundberg和Nakkna设计的一系列服装 ,著名瑞典舞蹈家维佩·帕基宁(Virpi Pahkinen)也将登台表演一段独舞。表演的原创音乐由为人们所珍爱的艺术家Kleerup 和 Unge谱写。这台节目于今年春天在2010年上海世博会上进行了首演并广受好评,现将在仁俱乐部,进行其在北京的唯一一场演出。
瑞典时尚展览的开放时间是每周二至周日,上午10时至下午6时,地点是白盒子艺术馆, 中国北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区797路B07号。
Event Name – Swedish Fashion Dance Performance
§  Artists/acts appearing – Virpi Pahkinen, Andreas Unge and Jin Xing Dance Theater in clothes by Martin Bergström, Diana Orving, Göran Sundberg, Nakkna and Sandra Backlund
§  Date and time – 2010-10-11 at 6 PM
§  Event Location The Yan Club, 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, (仁俱乐部,酒仙桥路4号大山子艺术区), telephone: 59 78 91 72
§  Free Entrance
§  Brief Description:
Swedish Fashion according to Jin Xing
Between October 12th and November 7th the fashion exhibition Swedish Fashion – Exploring a New Identity will be at display at the White Box Museum of Art. The exhibition showcases a new wave of fashion designers from Sweden and in connection to the inauguration the famous Shanghai-based choreographer Jin Xing will bring life to clothes by some of the designers featured in the exhibition.  The Fashion Performance features clothes made by designers Diana Orving, Sandra Backlund, Martin Bergström, Göran Sundberg and Nakkna and with the renowned Swedish dancer Virpi Pahkinen in a solo part. Original music for the performance is composed by the cherished artists Kleerup and Unge. The performance held its acclaimed premiere at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai this spring to and will now come to Beijing for a one night only performance at the Yan Club.
The Swedish Fashion Exhibition is open at the White Box Museum of Art (酒仙桥路2号798艺术区797路B07号) Tuesday – Sunday between 10 am to 6 pm
Thank you for your RSVP to the Swedish Fashion Performance at the Yan
Club October 11th at 6 PM.
Your name is now on the guest list.
Please note that you can not respond to this mail and that the access to the show will be closed after 6 PM.

 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-21 12:48:40 | 只看该作者
白盒子艺术馆,798艺术区。 免费。
本展览由瑞典对外交流委员会(Swedish Institute)推出,以展示瑞典新生代时尚设计师作品。
展览日期:2010年10月12日至11月7日, 周二至周日,上午10点至下午6点, 周一闭馆。每周六下午两点有讲解员免费为观众讲解。
Swedish Fashion – Exploring a New Identity
White Box Museum of Art, 798 Art District, Beijing. Entrance free.
Created by the Swedish Institute this exhibition shows the work of a new generation of fashion designers from Sweden. This generation is characterised by a more individualistic and artistic approach to fashion. The exhibition presents the Swedish fashion scene in the form of products (actual garments on mannequins) and context (photographs, films and texts). Great emphasis is placed on the interaction between context and garment, both communicatively and scenographically, making a strong and uniquely individual visual impression.
White Box Museum of Art, 798 Art District, Beijing
展览日期:2010年10月12日至11月7日, 星期二至星期天,上午10点至下午6点
Opening hours: 12 October - 7 November, Tuesday - Sunday 10am-6pm, Mondays closed. Free guided tours every Saturday at 2pm.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-21 12:51:20 | 只看该作者

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