被媒体誉为“难以定义的艺术家” 除油画创作,并涉及漫画、设计、写作、影像、音乐等。
宋洋的艺术丰富多彩,幼年即显露绘画方面的才能,大学学习时期出版多部风靡一时的漫画作品,并陆续被译成英、法、意等文字在欧洲出版。他的作品还在全国各地巡回展出,在许多重要的动漫绘画展览上获得众多奖项,被当时的媒体称为“风头最劲的漫画家”,“最具明星气质的漫画家”。宋洋还曾灌录自己作词并演唱的唱片,出席一些非商业的演唱活动,举办个人音乐演唱会。宋洋在〈Time Out Beijing 〉长期[8年]开设美术专栏,采访并创作了北京各个阶层人物的生活侧影,作品曾被国内外众多媒体转载。他还应邀参与奔驰、Swarovski、NIKE、HUGO BOSS、Tiger Beer、羽西等多个国际品牌的创作和设计活动。近年,宋洋活跃于中国当代艺术的创作之中,作品独树一帜。在国际拍卖中更是拍出86万的成绩,在尤伦斯美术馆的讲座中被誉为青年意见领袖。
2000年2月 “宋洋千禧个人画展”。乌鲁木齐
2000年10月 策划并参加“天津原创漫画展”。 天津美术学院
2004年5月 参展“2004北京城市动漫节” 中央美术学院主办 北京
2004年6月 参展“2004届动画节” 北京电影学院主办 北京
2004年7月 参展“2004国际城市动漫展” 东方明珠 上海
2004年7月 参展“2004国际城市动漫展” 南京
2004年7月 “宋洋作品巡回展”天津、徐州、常州、上海、南京、北京、新加坡。
2004年9月 海岩《玉观音》漫画版出版。
2005年7月 徐克电影《七剑》漫画图书。
2005年10月 赴新加坡任“漫画狂飙”活动评委并在南洋艺术学院和新加坡图
2006年1月 参展“安古兰漫画节”。座谈并做图书法文版宣传,与莫比乌斯、超人之父jimlee等大师交流。法国。
2006年1月 在〈Time Out 北京〉杂志开设“songyang's people”绘画作品
2006年5月 《动物凶猛》上下册法文、意大利文出版,在欧洲发行。
2007年1月 出任HUGO BOOS男用香水中国区“自由创意”形象代言。
2007年3月 成立北京宋洋美术文化发展公司。
2007年7月 Tiger Translate国际艺术创作活动,798时态空间,北京
2008年4月 为NIKE ID设计经典运动鞋 上海
2008年5月 参展并出席德国COMIC SALOON国际漫画节。德国
2008年6月 赴法国巡回签授《坐在对岸的企鹅RELOAD》欧洲版,法国
2008年7月 出任“第26届世界大学生运动会吉祥物”评委 深圳
2008年8月 优 雅-----宋洋欧洲巡回归国油画展 798 力透空间
2008年9月 2008艺术北京 北京
2008年9月 “扮傻游戏”联展 韩国天画廊 韩国+北京798
2008年9月 策展“我们爱运动” 798 力透空间
2008年11月 宋洋美术家居生活馆798DARA开业
2008年12月 动漫美学百相艺术展 林大艺术中心 北京 新加坡 印尼
2009年1月 为09NIKE新款服装拍摄照片 上海
2009年2月 宋洋作品欧洲09巡回签售 法国 马赛
2009年3月 宋洋获得08北京创意•设计“年度青年人物”金奖
2009年4月 赴法国巴黎,APU巡回签授,法国
2009年5月 参展并出席意大利COMICON国际漫画艺术节。意大利 Napoli
2009年5月 作品被邀请意大利米兰设计展
2009年5月 “宋洋的朋友们” 个人作品展 798力透空间 三里屯Village Karaiya
2009年5月 “扮傻游戏2”联展 韩国IN画廊 韩国+北京798
2009年6月 动漫美学艺术展 林大艺术中心 印尼国家美术馆
2009年7月 WOW!新潮艺术展 尤伦斯当代艺术中心 798
2009年8月 Tiger Translate艺术展览 丹麦 哥本哈根
2009年9月 受邀西班牙文化部“最杰出的”展览中方画家座谈
2009年11月 badgirl—宋洋个人画展 巴黎ARLUDIK GALLERY
2009年12月 法国环球唱片Jena lee歌手MV绘画制作 法国 巴黎
2010年1月 受邀安古兰漫画节 并发行“Badgirl”Art book
2010年3月 Bad girl音乐艺术项目—宋洋个人画展 韩国天画廊GALLERY TN
2010年3月 Bad girl音乐艺术项目 讲座 尤伦斯美术馆
2010年4月 TIGER TRANSLATE MELODRAMAS (英国) +宋洋 星光现场+硬石
2010年4月 艺术北京 韩国GALLERY TN
2010年5月 GIGE艺术博览会 HOTSPOT艺术特展
2010年5月 受邀在北京电影学院与 葛雷格•布罗德曼Greg Broadmore《阿凡达》《第九区》的首席影视概念设计师 进行了座谈
2010年6月 欧洲巡回展览,签售 法国巴黎 st malo等城市
2010年7月 《梦回西域》《bad girl》大型原创三维动画片发布会 宋洋出任艺术总监及片头主题音乐创作并演唱 北京
2010年8月 出席BBC恐龙来了 公益发布会 为盲童捐助拍卖作品 北京五棵松体育馆
2010年9月 宋洋个人音乐+艺术唱片《bad girl cube》发行
2010年9月 李宁20周年宋洋badgirl款艺术限量运动鞋发行 宋洋首邀出席北京,上海,广州,四川,长春的发布会
2010年9月 宋洋协超级乐队登陆“长城探戈坞森林音乐节”!同台的艺人还有罗大佑,王若琳,张悬等
2010年10月 2010 “宋洋音乐+艺术唱片”双CD首发Live个人音乐演唱会 北京 麻雀瓦舍
2010年10月 欧洲巡回展览,宋洋美术新书法语版《maluda》签售 法国巴黎 Tokyo动漫游戏大展
2010年11月 新西兰 惠灵顿 TIGER Translate全球艺术活动
2010年11月 “大声展”上海站展览
2010年11月 新加坡33国际拍卖 作品“春天”16万成交 华辰,保利拍卖33万成交
2010年12月 策划展览“艺术+科学|100计划”100位亚洲艺术家于“小人国”少年儿童职业生活体验城 北京朝阳公园
2011年1月 香港玩具设计展
1011年2月 HP惠普绚彩激光打印机形象片代言
2011年3月 宋洋2011年欧洲巡回签售+法国VILLE DE RODEZ我的作品原作展+现场绘画讲座+巴黎书展等8所城市
2011年4月 宋洋款“汉王大师三代绘画版代言”
2011年5月 西冷漫画艺术拍卖 badgirl世界1,2,3 78万成交
2011年5月 宋洋2011新加坡个人油画展览 新加坡林大艺术中心
2011年8月 2011 TIGER TRANSLATE 与 逃跑计划 合作 北京 星光现场
2011年9月 badgirl”PLAY”产品展798FOR艺术店
2011年9月 《京&潮》艺术展览 798 西门子家电艺术空间 联展
2011年9月 长江 草莓音乐节 生活馆 艺术讲座 镇江
2011年10月 MAX潮哮艺术展 北京 今日美术馆 22院艺术街
2011年10月 怪咖爱査堆儿 话剧节发布会 与查可心+信乐团合作现场绘画
2011年12月 亚洲新锐艺术家大赛 评委
2012年3月 宋洋badgirl海洋之巅 1300平米个展 今日美术馆
2012年4月 上海时装周 宋洋导演/微戏剧/音乐 作为“淘尚秀”开幕
2012年5月 上海 新天地时尚 帕 展览+讲座 英中设计协会
2012年5月 badgirl 海洋之巅 音乐+艺术概念唱片 出版 2CD+DVD精装上市
2012年6月 MSBAD服装品牌创立
2012年7月 受邀为1975年创立的法国品牌Agnes b.创作联名款,2012年10月全球巡回展览
2012年9月 798宋洋美术/MSBAD SPACE “玩物明智”开幕展
2012年10月 宋洋美术+大可乐手机绘画设计外壳 发布上市
2012年10月 王健国投艺术基金发布展 群展 炎黄美术馆
2012年12月 心与物游-邀请展 上海浦东展览馆 群展
2012年12月 阿里橙点新风尚 / 宋洋美术团队 融合绘画/声音/舞剧/多媒体交互绘画 闭幕大秀 杭州
2013年1月 艺术与财富 评选 2012年度艺术家 北京
2013年1月 扭秧歌 评选 2012年度艺术家 天津
2013年4月 宋洋 badgirl:塑膠冰淇淋 香港个人画展Artify gallery
2013年5月 亞洲當代藝術展 萬豪酒店 香港
2013年5月 策展 艺术家陈晓杰个人画展[狗吠之惊]798宋洋美术/Msbad space
2013年5月 悦美术馆 精品20周年/时尚生活艺术大赏-生活艺见 北京
2013年6月 宋洋 badgirl:塑膠冰淇淋 北京巡回展 三里屯D-space
2013年7月 HIHEY。COM OOOXX雕塑运动会 与艾未未,隋建国等 798群展
2013年8月 “心心相应”中韩绘画交流展 设计大厦、视觉中国 群展 北京
2013年8月 策展 民谣歌手洪启 个人摄影展[边陲]798宋洋美术/Msbad space
2013年9月 宋洋策展文化部“北京国际艺术博览会”ART璀璨Expo2013/动漫艺术新浪潮 第二回百人群展
2013年9月 OCT华侨城艺术区 慢慢优雅 展览+沙龙 精品20周年展
2013年9月 策展 艺术家董瑾 个人画展[董小姐]798宋洋美术/Msbad space
The introduction of Song Yang
Except oil painting, Song Yang is engaged in comic, design, writing, photographing, and music and other fields.
Song Yang has rich and varied experiences on arts. When he was a child, he has already showed his talent in drawings. In his college, his comic books were published and gain good results for a time.The comic books are also translated into English, French, Italy and other languages and published in Europe. His works of art are made the rounds exhibitions in China and gain many awards from many important Comic and Animation festivals in China.
Song Yang is regarded as the most popular artist by the medium at that time.What’s more, Song Yang made the music record, which he wrote the lyrics and sang the songs all by himself. And he attended the infomercial performances, too.
In the magazine “Time Out Beijing”, there is his long-term special column on fine arts. For the column, he has created many drawings to reflect the lives of different people in different levels in Beijing. And those works of art have been reprinted by various mediums at home and in abroad.
Moreover, Song Yang is invited to take part in the creation and design activities for many international brand, such as NIKE、HUGO BOSS、Tiger Beer、Swarovski. Recently, Song Yang is active in Chinese modern arts creation. His works fly his own colors.
2011 international auction painting turnover of 860,000 rmb
SongYang was born in 1981 and graduated from Design College of Tianjin University
In Dec.1999, Song Yang was in charge of the special column “Fashion 2000” of “Youth comic” magazine released by China Fine Arts chief publishing house.
In Jan.2000, Song Yang planned and attended the “creative space original comic exhibition” in Urumqi.
In Feb. 2000, “Song Yang Personal Comic Exhibition” in Urumqi.
In Oct.2000, planned and attended the “Tianjin original comic exhibition” in Tianjin Fine Arts College.
In Sep.2001, attended the “Chinese and Japanese Original Comic Exhibition ” in Military Museum in Beijing.
In Jan. 2004, the novel edition and comic edition of “ The penguin sitting opposite” are published.
In Feb. 2004, attended Nan Jing international comic and animation festival.
In April 2004, the comic book “Wild Animal” was published.
In May 2004, attended the “2004 Beijing City comic and animation festival”, which is organized by China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
In June 2004, attended “2004 Animation festival”, which is organized by Beijing Film Academy.
In July 2004, attended “2004 International City Comic and Animation festival” in Shanghai.
In July 2004, attended “2004 International City Comic and Animation festival” in Nanjing.
In July 2004, the exhibition of Song Yang’s works made the rounds in Tianjin, Xuzhou, Changzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing and Singapore.
In Sep. 2004, the comic book “Yu Guan Yin” which is adapted by Hai Yan’s novel, is published.
In July 2005, Song Yang created the comic picture for Xu Ke’s film “Seven Swords”.
In July 2005, attended the 1st Chinese youth original animation and comic competition and gained “The best long-length comic” and “The best art book” awards.
In Oct. 2005, came to Singapore for the judgment of “Comic Craziness” activity and for the academic exchanges in Nan Yang Arts College and Singapore Library.
In Dec. 2005, gained “Promising Youth” award in Tian Shi Cup comic and animation competition.
In Jan. 2006, attended the “International Angouleme comic festival” in France for the forum and promotion of his French edition comic books. He had a chance to exchange ideas with Superman’s father Jimlee and Mobius.
In Jan. 2006, the magazine “Time Out Beijing” set up the special column “Song Yang’s people” for Song Yang’s drawings. In April, attended “Time Out” exhibition in Season gallery in 798 Arts center.
In May 2006, The comic works “Wild Animal” with 2 books published in French and Italy versions and have been realized in Europe.
In June 2006, attended the “On Line” drawings rounds exhibitions in Li Tou space in 798 Arts center.
In Sep. 2006,the comic books with four strips “Bad Girl” published. And the monopoly shop with the same name is opened in Beijing So show comic and animation city.
In Jan. 2007, Song Yang was the “Free Creation” image mouthpiece of male perfume HUGO BOOS in China
In March 2007, set up Song Yang Fine Arts Culture Development Co., Ltd.
In May 2007, held personal oil painting exhibition “BADGIRL” in Si He Yuan project space in 789 arts center in Beijing.
In July 2007, attended Tiger Translate Intentional Arts Creation activity in Time Space in 798 arts center in Beijing.
In Oct. 2007, “John Harrison and Songyang ” exhibition in Si He Yuan project space in 789 arts center in Beijing.
In Nov. 2007, attended the 1st International Comic and Animation creation industry trade fair in Anhui and was the judgment of the competition.
In Dec. 2007, he was the judgment of the comic and animation competition of the 1st International Comic and Animation creation industry Expo in Tianjin.
In Dec. 2007, he attended “SCU Illustration exhibition” in Chengdu
In Jan. 2008, he was the judgment of “Making Drawings for the cards of Bank of China in three places- 2008 Bank of China Comic and Animation works on Olympics Collecting competition. ” in Beijing.
In April 2008, Song Yang designed the classic sport shoes for Nike ID products in Shanghai
In May 2008, attened International Comic Saloon in Germany.
In June 2008, SongYang came to France for the signature activities for his comic book “Reload”.
In July 2008, be the judgment of Mascot Designs Collecting Competition of “26th World University Sports”.
In Jan.2009, taken photos for NIKE new cloths products of 2009,ShangHai.
In Feb.2009, attened the signature activities for his comic book in Europe.
In Mar.2009,Song Yang has winned the Golden prize for “Youth of Creative & Design of 2008 in BeiJing”。
In Apr.2009,came to Pari for the signature activies.
In May.2009,attened the Italian Comics Festival, Naples.
In May.2009,Attened the“Milano Made in Design” in Italian.
In May.2009,“People’s of SongYang”exhibition both in Li Tou Kong Jian space in 789 arts center and Village Karaiya space in Sanlitun street in Beijing
In May.2009,Attened the exhibition of“Foolish Game”,Korea & BeiJing.
In Jun.2009,Attened the exhibition of “100 Tales in Animamix” in National Art Museum of Indonesia.
In Jun.2009,Attened the exhibition of “100 Tales in Animamix” in National Art Museum of Indonesia.
In Jul.2009,Attened the exhibition of“WOW!Neo-Wave Art”in Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in BeiJing.
In August 2009, attended “Tiger Translate” art exhibition at Copenhagen
In Sept. 2009, invited by Spain Culture Ministry and represent Chinese artists to the arts forum of “The most outstanding” exhibition
In Nov. 2009, held Song Yang personal art exhibition – Badgirl, at Arludik Gallery in Paris
In Feb. 2009 worked with Universal Music France contracted singer Jena lee as drawing author for her MV.
In Jan. 2010 invited by International Angouleme Comic Festival, and released his art book, Badgirl, on the festival
In Mar. 2010 held Song Yang Solo Exhibition in GALLERY TN, a Korean gallery in 798 art district in Beijing, as part of the Bad girl Music&Art Project.
In Mar. 2010 held the theme salon of the Bad girl Music&Art Project in UCCA in 798 art district in Beijing and was one of the speakers.
In Apr. 2010 Tiger Translate MeloDramas (Britan) + Song Yang at Star Live + Rocks
In Apr. 2010 the GIGE Art exhibition HOTSPOT Special Art Expo
In May 2010 invited in an informal discussion with Mr. Greg Broadmore, the chief conceptionist of film in “Avatar”, “District 9” at Beijing Film Academy
In Jun. 2010 Europe Exhibition Tour, Book Signings at Paris, St.Malo etc. in France
In Jul. 2010 the release conference of Original Animation “Back to the westland in dream”, “Bad girl” Song Yang, as the Chief Art Director, created the Opening song and sang by himself. Beijing
In Aug. 2010 present at the charity conference & release of BBC “Walking with Dinosaurs” auction of his artwork to raise money for blind children at Beijing Wukesong Sports Center
In Sep. 2010 release of “Bad Girl Cube”, Album of Song Yang’s personal music + art
In Sep. 2010 release of “Bad Girl for Lining” the limited edition of Lining sports shoes at the 20th Anniversary of Lining, Song Yang was invited to be present at the release conference in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Sichuan, Changchun.
In Sep. 2010 Loading at “Greatwall Tanglewood Forest Music Festival 2010” with the super band. Chinese Famous Singers Mr.Luo Dayou, Ms. Wang Ruolin, Ms. Zhang Xuan etc. were on the same stage.
In Oct. 2010 the double CD Album of Song Yang “Art + Music” debut Live at Beijing Mako Live
In Oct. 2010 Europe Exhibition Tour, book signing of Song Yang’s new book in French version “Maluda” at Paris France.
Animation & Game Exhibition at Tokyo Japan
In Nov. 2010 Tiger Translate Global Art Activities at Wellington, New Zealand
In Nov. 2010 Exhibition “Get It Louder” Shanghai
In Nov. 2010 33 International Auction in Singapore, the artwork “Spring” is closed with a price of 160 000 rmb, at Polycenter, “Huachen” was closed at 330 000 rmb.
In Dec. 2010 schemed the exhibition of “Project 100 / Art + Science” 100 Asian artists in the professional live experience city for children at Beijing Chaoyang Park.
In Jan. 2011 Toy Design Expo at Hongkong
In Feb. 2011 represent the HP color laserjet printer in its commercial piece of video
In Mar. 2011 Europe book signing tour 2011 + original artwork exhibition in Ville de Rodez. France + course of lecture of drawing + book Exhibition in Paris etc 8 cities.
In Apr. 2011 represent for the “Hanwang Drawing board 3.0 with Song Yang”
In May 2011 Xiling Manga Artwork Auction, “the world of Bad Girl 1,2,3” was closed with a price of 780 000 rmb.
In May 2011 Song Yang 2011 Personal Painting Exhibition at Linda Galleray, Singapore
In Aug, 2011 2011 cooperation with Tiger Translate and Predel at Star Live, Beijing
In Sep. 2011 Bad Girl “Play” Product Exhibition, at 798 FOR, Beijing
In Sep. 2011 “Jing & Fashion” Art Gallery at 798 Siemens art space
In Sep. 2011 Yangtze, Strawberry Music Festival + Art Lecture at Zhenjiang
In Oct. 2011 MAX Fashion Roar Art Exhibition at Today Museum & 22 Art Street Beijing
In Oct. 2011 Stage Play “Monsters’ Party” release conference at the Drama Festival + Live Drawing in cooperation with Singer Ms.Zha kexin and the Band Shin.
In Dec.. 2011 Juge at the Competition of Asian Top Artist
In Mar. 2012 Personal Painting Exhibition, Song Yang Bad Girl “Top of the Ocean” Beijing Today Art Museum
Room A-902,Huazhan International Apartment