
标题: 【魏立刚年表】 [打印本页]

作者: 闻正    时间: 2003-1-22 09:25
标题: 【魏立刚年表】

1964 Born in Datong City, Shanxi Province.
1975 Learned art of crosstalk, Chinese traditional opera, magic tricks, calligraphy and drawing. Calligraphy began to go into public.
1981 Studied in mathematics major, Nankai University, Tianjin. Began to study calligraphy from Mr. Li Henian.
1983 Chairman of Calligraphy Society of Nankai University
Organized a joint exhibition of calligraphy at Nankai University and( )
1985 Teacher of calligraphy in Taiyuan city
1988 A solo roving exhibition of calligraphy and Seal cutting in Tianjin, Beijing and Taiyuan
1989 Published "A Collection of Calligraphy and Seal Carving by Wei Ligang"
1991 Graduated from the first term of senior advanced course of calligraphy at Sha Menghai Calligraphy College.
1992 A retrospective solo exhibition of calligraphy and seal carving in Taiyuan City, Shanxi
A joint exhibition of calligraphy in Shanxi, China and ( ),Japan
1995 UN Children';s Foundation Shanxi Project produced a documentary program titled " Xi';an, Fen River Loves You", introducing his modern calligraphic art.
1996 Moved to the Yuan Mingyuan Artists Village, Beijing, starting his independent artist life
Guest teacher of art at Tsinghua University
Participated in the establishment of Songfeng Xuan, the first gallery specialized in Chinese modern calligraphy in China
"Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Modern Calligraphy by Celebrities" in Liuzhou
The first "International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Calligraphy" in Hangzhou
CCTV produced a special program introducing his art
1997 A solo exhibition in Beijing
1998 Organized a four-person exhibition by Yuan Mingyuan artists at Songfeng Xuan Gallery.
1999 Attended the "Symposium on the Development of Chinese Modern Calligraphy" in Gaoyou, Jiangsu Province
Elected the vice president of Chinese Modern Calligraphy Association and director of its reviewing committee
Organized a "New Line" exhibition of calligraphy in Taiyuan.
2000 Published a calligraphic album by his children students, titled Pseudo-Masters
Organized "Bashu Parade: ';99 Chengdu Retrospective of Chinese Modern Calligraphy at The End of the Century" with another leading modern calligrapher Pu Lieping
A solo exhibition titled A Diary in Rongcheng held in Taiyuan
2001 Reuters produced a special program introducing his modern calligraphy
"An international retrospective exhibition of calligraphy" at the Taiwan Museum of Art, Taiwan
A group exhibition of oriental abstract paintings at the Creation Gallery
2002 Was invited to lecture on the art of Chinese calligraphy by Launcenston City, Australia
Organized a Chinese-foreign group exhibition of modern calligraphy
Assisted in organizing "0°C" Contemporary Action/ Installation Art exhibition
"The Art of Calligraphy in Modern China" at the British Museum, London, UK Works widely bought by organizations and private collectors
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作者: 闻正    时间: 2003-1-22 12:54
标题: 【魏立刚年表】

1964 生于中国山西大同市,别署尔渔馆主。
1975 随父亲习艺:相声、戏曲、魔术、书画,作品开始发表。
1981 考入天津南开大学数学系。拜津门名家李鹤年习书法。
1983 随王学仲、孙伯翔习书法,出任南开书苑主席。
1985 到太原任教,始研习傅山书法。
1988 书画篆刻个展在天津、北京、太原巡展。
1989 《魏立刚书法篆刻集》出版
1991 沙孟海书学院第一期高级研修班结业。
1992 书画篆刻回顾个展在太原举办。
1995 移居北京圆明园画家村做职业艺术家。被聘为清华大学客席教师。
1996 "虫子·弄痒汉字"个人画展在北京举办。
1997 主持颂风轩"圆明园七人展"。
1998 出席江苏高邮"中国现代书法发展战略研讨会",当选中国现代书法艺术学会副
1999 策划印行《伪大师》少儿书法集。
2000 英国路透社制作"魏立刚现代书法"专题片。
2001 澳大利亚邀请其访澳并讲授中国书法艺术。
2002 英国大英博物馆"惊人之笔"现代中国书法艺术巡展。

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标题: 【魏立刚年表】

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