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分享 兰州哪所医院治疗胃胀权威_这世界已经改变
1243558319 2012-12-21 10:12
  兰州歧黄胃肠病研究所是咱老百姓的好医院。赵先生今年58岁,从2010就感觉身体不舒服,腹泻脓血还伴有腹痛、腹胀等症状,大便的次数每天至少5次,而且睡眠质量很差,曾服用多种中西药治疗,但是一直没有见好。经过检查后医生诊断赵先生患有结肠炎。   在当地也经过反复治疗,可是都没有什么效果,后经人介绍来兰州歧黄胃肠病研究所治疗,半年后赵先生就感觉症状有所缓解,腹痛、腹胀的症状也得到了缓解,睡眠质量提高了,大便次数从每日的5次减少到2次,复查肠镜:轻度直肠炎,较治疗前结肠部份:横结肠乙状结肠部份病变均消失。赵先生看到这么明显的效果,逢人便夸“歧黄胃肠病研究所好啊,是咱老百姓的好医院”!   针对赵先生的症状,专家谢钰明说,结肠炎是一种常见病,平时很多患者发病容易被医生误诊。如果诊断是结肠炎建议患者及时的治疗,选择歧黄胃肠病研究所治疗结肠炎是最合适的。   兰州胃肠病研究所专家经过长期临床研究表明,在“绿色三联胃壁细胞再生修复疗法”中中医在治疗胃炎方面有着西药无可比拟的优势:   1、中药不会发生耐药性;   2、中药取之于天然,没有化学药物的毒副作用;   3、中药治疗与调理双层作用。疗效持久,不易复发;   4、中药可提高免疫力,是西药无法达到的效果。西医治病精准,能快速制止并发症,西医技术设备先进,是中医未能达到的地步。因此,借鉴其先进的技术设备,联合中药治疗胃肠疾病,才是胃病最佳的诊疗方向。
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分享 [national treasure century classic painting apes art network pavilion]
zghwhjy 2011-3-2 01:36
[national treasure century classic painting apes art network pavilion]
The painter Hou Jingyao introduction; The national level artists, the ancient capital of xi 'an strangers, native of shanxi. Graduated from northwest normal university fine arts painting professional, is good at Chinese painting figures, landscapes, animals.. Of painting monkey etc.the recently completed great length of more than forty years. Monkey hall] art brand certification board certification for: Chinese art top brands list. 2012 painter Hou Jingyao world outstanding person association awarded the "national artists association, vice chairman of world class organization. Honorary chairman. - chief artist. Vice President of Chinese artists association. UNESCO expert member of the standing committee of China art academy. A lifetime of the standing committee member, etc., a researcher at the Chinese painting and calligraphy art research institute, China artists association. Honorary chairman of the lifelong standing committee of the China art academy. Association of Chinese home that celebrities. Lifelong honorary President. Chinese painting and calligraphy institute. Honorary chairman. Association of Chinese art investment. Honorary vice-presidents. The Forbidden City academy. Honorary dean. Super artist. Chinese name
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